Saturday, February 22, 2020

Levels of Needs in WheelWorks, Inc Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Levels of Needs in WheelWorks, Inc - Case Study Example The need of esteem is also met because Wheelworks has employees who are motivated to help people in getting the correct product, without any ulterior motives. Finally, as the employees operate with perfect motivation to sell the cycles, without thinking about the incentives, the need of self-actualization formalizes. â€Å"Both self-actualization and esteem can only be realized in a participative workplace which fosters intrinsic motivation† (Pojidaeff, 1995).   According to Frederick Herzberg’s theory, factors that cause job satisfaction and motivation were quite different from the factors, which lead to job dissatisfaction. â€Å"He called the satisfiers motivators and the dissatisfiers hygiene factors† ( According to Herzberg, motivators such as achievement and the resultant recognition lead to job satisfaction, while Hygiene factors such as inadequate salary could cause job dissatisfaction. Inside Wheelworks, there are a lot of satisfiers or motivators. Majority of the employees in Wheelworks in their personal life are bikes lovers and so they enjoy talking about bikes. As their job entitles to talk about the bikes to the prospective customers, they are optimally motivated to do that job. So, their personality works as a main motivator to optimize their performance. The hygiene factor that could cause dissatisfaction is, the employees in Wheelworks will find it difficult to become rich or financially stable quickly.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

How did september 11 change the life of socities Research Paper

How did september 11 change the life of socities - Research Paper Example There have been several changes within the American society ever since the attacks which has literally affected the lives of many people. Civil liberties have been subject to changes and in order to protect the country from further attacks several policies and security measures at airports and other important places have been stepped up which has posed serious restrictions to civil liberties. This has resulted in a changed psychology among the American people about their country, politics, world society and their security (Kelly; Schmidt; 9-11 Social Consequences). Considering the magnitude of the 9/11 attacks such restrictions and societal changes are not surprising as the country is in a dire need to safeguard both its people and resources. No country can afford to lose manpower and property to terrorism and given the potential strength of America, it has been able to overcome the destruction mainly owing to its people who remain unified in their fight against terrorism following t he attacks. The American society has indeed become vulnerable to attacks by terrorists mainly owing to its open frontiers, greater allowance to civil liberties, lack of any discrimination towards people, a free market and the rights enjoyed by the people to live a free life on their own terms. All of these were against the moral beliefs of the terrorists and which led them to attack the country and show the American people that their nation was indeed vulnerable and that its security could also be under constant threat. However, while the attacks were made with the intention of creating animosity among the diverse American population, it did, in fact create a more unified America. This has become a reality despite the series of civil restrictions and stricter policies that have been imposed on innocent Americans. This can be mainly attributed to the changes that occurred with the country during the 20th century which made the country more tolerable. This is the same country which ha d banned the teaching of German language after the First World War and the imprisonment of Germans, Japanese and Italians following the Second World War. Over the years the American people have developed the culture of â€Å"not judging the others†. This attitude has allowed people to rationalize the actions of others though there were some incidents targeting Muslims immediately after the attacks. However, these incidents were relatively small in number; even though they are deplorable. In addition the attacks also lead to a social cohesion among the people as those who survived the attacks showed a great willingness to help the wounded and the deceased (9-11 Social Consequences). This indeed has been a positive outcome of the attacks as aid from all around the world poured in and many thousands of people volunteered to secure people from the debris. However, this volunteering has been mainly from children belonging to the upper-middle class background as they have begun to show greater interest in public life, civic engagement, politics and society. However, the same has not been found with children belonging to the working class sector as they know that despite all their efforts they would ultimately land up in some firm working round the clock. Hence the post 9/11 attacks did witness a gap in the social class and many experts see this gap as that between the rich and the poor